Savings Accounts

We offer a variety of personal savings accounts. Take a look at the features and choose the one that best fits your needs.

Free account that builds your savings effortlessly

Buckeye Advantage Saver

Free account that builds your savings effortlessly


On Balances Up To $35,beplay体育


If Qualifications Aren't Met

Account Details

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Maximize earnings with accessibility to funds

Buckeye Championship Savings

A high-balance savings account that pays you more


On Balances $50,beplay体育-$99,999


On Balances $100,beplay体育-$499,999

Account Details

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flexibility with enhanced access to funds

Money Market Savings

Competitive, tiered interest rates

Account Details

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Set aside year-round for holiday expenses

Christmas Club

An Account to save all year long — so you’re ready when December 25th rolls around

Account Details

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extend FDIC protection


For accounts that exceed the $250,beplay体育 FDIC limit

Account Details

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Quicklinks Include

Buckeye Advantage Saver

Buckeye Advantage Saver links to your Buckeye Advantage Member checking account for automatic rewards transfers. Keep track of your growing funds with online and mobile services.


On Balances up to $35,beplay体育


If Qualifications Aren't Met

 Open Now

Account Details


3.50% APY* on balances up to $35,beplay体育

  • 3.50% to 1.78% APY on balances over $35,beplay体育 depending on balance in account*
  • 0.02% APY* if qualifications are not met in BAM checking

Additional Features


  • No minimum balance to earn rewards
  • $50 minimum deposit to open

Service Charge

  • No monthly maintenance fees




Extra Cash Without Extra Effort

Qualifying for your BAM rewards automatically qualifies you for the highest Buckeye Advantage Saver rate, too. Enrollments must be in place and all of the following transactions and activities must post and settle to your BAM account during each Monthly Qualification Cycle.

Use your debit card at least 12 times for purchases.
Be enrolled and log into online banking.

You’ve got this. Even if you don't meet your qualifications during the cycle, your BAM accounts are still free. Plus, you'll still earn our base interest rate on Buckeye Advantage Saver. And you can get right back to earning your full rewards the very next month.

Buckeye Advantage Saver with BAM Checking: * Qualification Information: Account transactions and activities may take one or more days to post and settle to the account and all must do so during the Monthly Qualification Cycle in order to qualify for the account’s rewards. The following activities do not count toward earning account rewards: ATM-processed transactions, transfers between accounts, debit card purchases processed by merchants and received by our bank as ATM transactions, non-retail payment transactions, and purchases made with debit cards not issued by our bank. Transactions bundled together by merchants and received by our institution as a single transaction count as a single transaction for the purpose of earning account rewards. “Monthly Qualification Cycle” means a period beginning one (1) business day prior to the first day of the current statement cycle through one (1) business day prior to the close of the current statement cycle. Reward Information: When your BAM Checking account qualifications are met during a Monthly Qualification Cycle, the following rewards will be distributed to your account(s) on the last day of the current statement cycle: Buckeye Advantage Saver: Balances up to $35,beplay体育 receive APY of 3.50%; and balances over $35,beplay体育 earn 1.00% interest rate on the portion of balance over $35,beplay体育 resulting in a range from 3.75% to 1.78% APY depending on the account’s balance. BAM Checking: Balances up to $15,beplay体育 receive a non-compounding APY* of 5.00% and balances over $15,beplay体育 earn 1.00% interest rate on the portion of balance over $15,beplay体育 resulting in a non-compounding range from 5.00% to 1.78% APY* depending on the account’s balance. When BAM qualifications are not met, Buckeye Advantage Saver: All balances earn 0.02% APY. BAM Checking: All balances earn a non-compounding APY* of 0.02%. *When linked to the Buckeye Advantage Saver account, the interest earned within the BAM Checking account does not compound since it is automatically transferred to the Buckeye Advantage Saver account within one day. This automatic transfer may cause an overdraft to your BAM Checking account if the account’s balance is less than the transferred amount when transfer occurs. APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APYs accurate as of 8/19/2024. Rates and rewards are variable and may change after account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings. Additional Information: Account approval, conditions, qualifications, limits, timeframes, enrollments, log-ons and other requirements apply. $50 minimum deposit is required to open the account. Enrollment in mobile banking, receipt of electronic statements may be a condition of these accounts. Enrollment in electronic services (e.g. online or mobile banking, electronic statements, and log-ons) may be required to meet some of the account’s qualifications. Limit 1 account per primary account holder’s social security number. A BAM Checking account is required to have a Buckeye Saver account. A linked Buckeye Advantage Saver account is required for automatic savings. A $30 early closing fee applies if account is closed prior to 180 days of account opening. Contact one of our member service specialists for additional information, details, restrictions, processing limitations and enrollment instructions. Member FDIC.


Buckeye Championship Savings

Why tie up your savings in a CD when you could be earning more in a savings account? The Buckeye Championship Savings account is a high-balance savings account that pays you more.


On Balances $50,beplay体育-$99,999


On Balances $100,beplay体育-$499,999

 Open Now

Account Details


$100 minimum deposit to open

Service Charge

No monthly maintenance fees or statement fee


  • 2.50% APY* on balances $50,beplay体育 to $99,999.99
  • 3.25% APY* on balances $100,beplay体育 to $499,999.99
  • 0.25% APY* if balance is below $50,beplay体育
  • Rate based on average daily balance
  • Higher balances earn higher rates

Other Features

*Annual percentage yield (APY) accurate as of October 1, 2024 and assumes interest remains on deposit. Minimum opening deposit of $100.00. The interest rate for the Buckeye Championship Savings with balances between $50,beplay体育.00 to $99,999.99 is 2.50% APY. Balances $100,beplay体育.00 to $499,999.00 is 3.25% APY. BSB reserves the right to not pay interest on balances above $500,beplay体育.00. Balances below $50,beplay体育.00 earn 0.25% APY. Fees may reduce earnings. Compounded and credited monthly. Rates and other account terms subject to change. Limited time offer.

Money Market Savings

After building up sizeable savings, reward your good financial habits. A money market pays tiered interest, so your rate will rise right along with your balance.

 Open Now

Account Details


$50 minimum deposit to open

Service Charge

Waive $20 monthly service fee by maintaining a $10,beplay体育 minimum daily balance


  • Competitive, tiered interest rates
  • Higher balances earn higher rates

Other Features

  • Enjoy flexibility with enhanced access to funds including direct check writing:
    • Unlimited in-person withdrawals* or by mail
  • Free box of checks at account opening
  • Free online banking
  • Free mobile banking
  • Free e-statements

*6 check or debit card transactions per month at no charge. $1 per transaction over 6.

Christmas Club

For being the most wonderful time of year, the holidays can bring a lot of stress. Open a Christmas Club to save all year long — so you’re ready when December 25th rolls around.

Open Now

Account Details


  • No minimum balance requirements
  • $5 minimum deposit to open

Service Charge

No monthly service fee

Other Features

  • Set aside year-round for holiday expenses
  • Enrollment in October


  • Make deposits little-by-little through automatic payments:
    • Must establish Auto Pay from another BSB depository account
    • Payments can be made weekly or bi-weekly
    • Payments accepted in increments of $5, $10, $15, and $20 (double for bi-weekly payments)
    • At the end of the 50 week Christmas club cycle, you will receive a bonus equal to 1/50 of the agreed upon automatic transfer amounts not to exceed $20, if all 50 agreed upon payments have been made